Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Died For Beauty

I died for beauty but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.

He questioned softly why I failed?
"For beauty," I replied.
"And I for truth, the two are one;
We brethren are," he said.

And so, as kinsmen met a night,
We talked between the rooms,
Until the moss had reached our lips,
And covered up our names.
~ Courtesy: Emily Dickinson (I Died For Beauty) ~

Sunday, July 06, 2008


The limited boundaries of the sixty four squares were realized early enough. They appreciated peace according to the scale of unity which they attained in their mutual relationship, and within that limit they found happiness which spreads through time that moves, the things that vary, the life that breeds, and the thoughts that surge inwards. She opened with white and the game had a gentle launch, they respected each other, and the moves were quite predictable and simple for an onlooker. It was as it should be.

The rule of natural selection found its full way and the centre board was equally shared and none of them showed early aggression. In regular intervals they exchanged pieces and smiles, with a silent satisfaction of calculated moves. She looked smarter and she was. It was a beautifully set battle field. She castled on the king side and fused to the traditional Ruy Lopez, with out much variations an early enpassed pawn out reaching the ā€˜Cā€™ was nullified by her knight and the chances of an open file was barred, easily.

Middle game - The flames were glowed and the hammers started firing, amidst dust and discordance a musical note was being set. He was not prepared to castle, geared up for attacks on both the sides; his queen side was weak when he lost two pinning pawns which defended the bishops. He accepted the detached fact and followed the evolution. But his knights did the ploy, they manoeuvred all across the board and threatened her king to move first to G2 and then to H1. Through out the middle game he flaunted chasm of ruin in the ethics of his moves, in the realisation of positions ahead, not in a supreme sky of negation but in the bosom of a superlative spirit of confidence. Towards the end game he played ruthlessly, but all he could manage was a stalemate!!

And on top of those squares painted thick black and white, he spotted her in truthful tears..!!!!!