
The way to touch all the springs of wonder in us is to get before our eyes as thought, that which we are feeling and doing. The things that we do we think not. What I am I cannot describe anymore than I can see through my eyes. The moment another describes to me the man I am -- pictures to me in words that which I was feeling and doing, I am struck with surprise. I am sensible of a keen delight. I am and I see my being at the same time. These glance from it to the pictures that we see with lively pleasure and all the wonders are so.
A great work when analyzed is a set of detached parts; a poem is a detached set of sounds and Taj is a set of detached set of marble pieces. But an inner medium of love and aesthetic architectural perfection connects those inner elements, discovers a perfect law all through, which is never violated. But this law itself is the limit. It shows what ever it can never be otherwise.
Taj was built in the 1600s by the Mughals, its unending beauty, architectural elegance and people pulling charm will last for ever; whether approved by a private organisation or not. But in the era of globalised corporations and liberalized economies innovative means for churning huge money was always a challenge for the new age marketing gurus. But, out of the box thinking and the geographic and political means to accomplish them the New Open World Corporation, a Swiss, more notably, a Profit Organisation, did it, bringing all the smiles to an array of telephone operators, television channels and all those who are fancied to have the gimmicks for a publicity stunt.
It was never the part of any rat race. The cross sections of the world populace (remember only those) who watch television, surf the net and own the mobile phones voted for the wonders of the world! What? Yes, that is how we define wonder today. Or that is what we are taught, that wonder is decided just like that! Feelings of mystery at the root of all our delights are lost when we discover uniformity of this law. The moment Taj goes for the race and people are urged to rediscover the wonder in it, this delight is lost.
Agra is one of the worstly managed cities of India. Those who made all these hues and cries in the past few weeks should have shown half this enthusiasm when the industrial houses on the eastern bank of Yamuna over a period of time marooned this white wonder. High content of toxic gases in the air, pathetic city roads, highly corrupt public administration all have done much harm to this symbol of love already.
We all forwarded messages, sent SMS’, came out to streets to campaign for the Taj and this cause, those of who did not try any of these, silently watched the fiercely spelt televised debates and analyses aired to our living rooms as to whether Taj will make into the final seven or not. But why? Were all these required? The nation’s precious bandwidth which could have used for some productive purposes went waste for false propagandas. True this would definitely improve the Googling hits of Taj and India at the same time it met the target figures of those who played for it too. All this mess can be bracketed as pseudo nationalism. Had Bill Gates, Mukesh Ambani or Rupert Murdoch wished to include their homes or business houses in the new wonders, they too could have done that. Buy the votes from the company as you buy the shares in the market, float money to support it in the media and public sphere, people will any how come and support and you are through.
Light a small candle in the consciousness corner of your heart, that light will help, be more silent, drop the noise in our head, then, this continuous possession of thinking for any thing and every thing will be stopped, let us be a little wise.
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